My second story of Gitmo near-misses concerns a friend I'll call Ahmed. As in, Ahmed al Arabi, the name used throughout the Arab world to connote a generic Arab man. Kind of like 'John Doe' but with elements of both pride and defiance.
I'm not using his real name because, although his case is technically closed, I don't want to take the chance of causing him any more misery than he's already had. Enough, in this case, is already far too much. I've also obfuscated a few unessential details, for the same reason.
My friend Ahmed is, in many ways, a fairly poor example of a stereotypical Arab, and an even worse example of a potential 'security threat'. For one thing, he's Druze. Throughout the Arab world the Druze are famous - and controversial - for their aloofness from the political, social and religious causes that continually roil the region. Historically an offshoot of Ismaili - i.e. Shia' - Islam, no one can even agree whether or not they are Muslims. Least of all themselves. Doctrinally, they are at least as close to the Platonic schools of ancient Greece as they are to Islamic
Sharia'. Politically, they are ferocious if directly threatened; otherwise, they tend to avoid taking sides. In Israel, for example, the Druze, although technically Palestinian Arabs, have served in the Israeli Defence Forces almost since the creation of the state of Israel. This did not prevent Lebanese Druze from allying themselves with the Palestinians against the Israelis during the various Israeli invasions of Lebanon that marked the period between 1978-2000. Thus, in a very real sense, the Druze were aligned with both sides. Or, perhaps, neither...
At any rate, the idea that a Lebanese Druze would be a good candidate for
jihad in the name of the Prophet and the
Shariah is, to say the very least, far-fetched. The Druze don't even observe
Sharia' law themselves. That's not to say an indivdual Druze mightn't convert to Sunni Islam and become a
jihadi. This could and may have happened, but the chances are probably about the same as for an observant Israeli Jew to do the same: not zero, but very, very small.
Ahmed is now a middle-aged man. But I've known him since he was 12 years old, in other words, for much of his life and a fair portion of my own. We haven't been in continual touch, but I've followed his life through members of his family pretty consistently. That he, of all people, would run afoul of the American
moukhabarat and almost get locked away as a terrorist would never in a million years have crossed my mind. So improbable, in fact, was this story that if he himself hadn't recounted it to me I would have assumed the teller was either misinformed or had confused him with someone else entirely. It turns out those who were misinformed were none other than (yet once again!) the US justice system. Like most bureaucracies, these folks tend not to want to acknowledge their mistakes, even once they are laid bare for all to see. Unlike most bureaucracies, they have the power to lock you away in order to avoid their mistakes becoming public...
In some ways, what happened to Ahmed is even more egregious than what happened to Salam Zaatari, which I recounted in my previous post, '
Gitmo...Part One'. At least in Salam's case law enforcement officials had the excuse of 9-11, which had happened just a couple of months earlier. They also had a suspect that fit the profile at least somewhat more plausibly, being Sunni Muslim. Also, and very crucially, Salam hadn't spent most of his adult life in the US, raising a family and running a series of successful businesses. Ahmed, on the other hand, had done exactly that. His children were and are exactly as American as my parents' children were and are, and I'm sure their ties to Lebanon are quite similar to my and my siblings ties to that other hotbed of terrorist activity, Switzerland.
Ahmed's story takes place just a year or two ago, long after one would have thought we'd have come to our senses and become at least slightly more discriminating in our search for terrorists. Apparently, we haven't. Eric Holder and Barrack Obama may not look like John Ashcroft and George W Bush, so it's surprising to find they have matching DNA under the skin.
Before I retell the story as told to me by Ahmed, let me fill in a bit of the backstory I alluded to above. Ahmed was the little brother of one of my closest friends during my years in Lebanon in the 70s. By closest friends I mean we spent a great deal of time together, shared confidences, got to know each other's families (in the case of my family this occurred after my time in Lebanon), shared interests and even worked together to some extent. In other words, we got to know each other pretty well. As Ahmed was my friend's little brother I got to know him pretty well too; all the more so, since my friend had taken Ahmed under his wing and was essentially a father to him.
On the whole, a worse candidate for
al Qa'eda membership would be difficult to find.
While still in his late teens, and with his brother's help, Ahmed decamped to the US to start a new life of freedom. By all accounts, he did quite well, and I often had news of him, his marriage, his new kids, his business ventures, his entrepreneurial skills and his general success as an immigrant. For many years, however, our paths never crossed. Until I arrived in Beirut last summer. At that point I discovered that Ahmed was once again in Lebanon, running several successful restaurants and other businesses. His family came and went between Lebanon and the US as the children's vacation schedules allowed. Why all of this was happening I had no clue until one day, as we sat around chatting, he suddenly recounted what had motivated him to leave the States and return to Beirut. And the story is quite surreal.
A few years ago, Ahmed - always on the lookout for new business opportunities - hit upon the idea of exporting used automobiles from the US to Africa. For a Lebanese businessman this is by no means far-fetched. Lebanese have a long history in West Africa, and they also have an almost equally long history importing cars from Europe to the Mideast. To this day, there are so many cars in Beirut bearing the 'CH' (Switzerland) decal that I almost felt back home in Geneva. Back in the 70s several of my friends were involved in this trade, which was quite lucrative.
So it was no great leap for Ahmed to come up with the idea of shipping used cars from the East Coast to Africa. He brought in a couple of business partners and they launched the business, which went quite well almost from the outset. That is, until his arrest on charges of abetting terrorism.
Ahmed had flown to Lebanon to see his relatives for a few weeks and was returning to the US when he was arrested upon arrival on the East Coast. At first, he thought some innocent mistake had been made and expected to be quickly released. Like a lot of Arab-Americans, his instinct was to forgive the occasional excesses of law enforcement in the fight against terrorism. After all, they're just trying to protect us all, and separating the good Arabs from the bad is hard, right?
The problem was...he wasn't released. Instead, he was held
incommunicado in a cell for long hours, then transferred to another location and interrogated in a manner that showed clearly that he had already been convicted in the eyes of his interrogators of some very serious crime. What that crime might have been, no one would tell him. When he finally demanded a lawyer he was told 'you better get a good one; in fact, you better get the best if you hope to stay out of jail for the rest of your life.'
It was only after he'd found and hired a lawyer that Ahmed learned that he was charged with money laundering and support of a known terrorist organization. It later transpired that the 'known terrorist organization' was Hezb Allah, the Shia' group that largely controls Southern Lebanon. The authorities were claiming that the money laundering had been undertaken to provide untraceable funds to Hezb Allah.
Ahmed is not only a good businessman, he's also a meticulous one. When prosecutors demanded his books he was able to provide them an accounting of every penny of every one of his businesses. Once again, he assumed - naively - that the end of his troubles was nigh. After all, once they saw that he hadn't been laundering money the whole case would perforce collapse completely, right? Wrong.
Prosecutors sat on his books for weeks, with no sign that anything had changed. In the meantime, Ahmed's lawyer was able to get him released on bail over the strong protests of the prosecution. This only meant that he could sleep at home: all his time was devoted to either preparing his case or enduring endless, agressive interrogations downtown. His businesses began to suffer, his family life deteriorated, and the ever-increasing stress began to take its toll on his own health.
As Ahmed himself recounted it, this regime went on for many weeks, until one day something broke. He was sitting in the DA's office when it happened. There were a large number of people present, from the DA's office, Homeland Security, the FBI and even the CIA. By this point, the routine had become so regular that he'd been able to figure out who was who even when they refused to identify themselves.
All these people had been taking turns grilling him, threatening him with dire consequences for himself and his family, alternately cajoling and screaming at him to tell them what he knew, when he suddenly discovered he'd had as much as he could stand. As he told me:
'I suddenly found myself standing up. I pounded my fist on the desk. I said to them "you've seen my books. You know not one penny is missing. I'm innocent of whatever it is you think I did, and I will answer no more questions, make no more arguments, listen to no more of your accusations. Do with me whatever you want. I don't care anymore."'
Ahmed told me there was consternation and silence for a few moments. Then the DA stood up and said words which at that point relieved Ahmed, only to later infuriate him: "We know you're innocent. We've known for a while. You're free to go." And he and his lawyer simply stood up and walked out to the elevator and left the building.
This story has a number of codas. First of all, why was Ahmed later infuriated at the DA's words? Because he realized that he had been forced to continue to answer charges against him long after his innocence had been established. For weeks, he and his family had been put through hell despite the fact that the case against him had collapsed.
In other words, a man known to be innocent had been treated as guilty and subjected to unnecessary and unwarranted violations of his person, his property and his freedom. In the US. Within the last couple of years.
It later transpired that his continued interrogations came at the behest of the CIA, whose agents hoped that, by putting ever more pressure on him, he might reveal something of value even if it didn't pertain to him directly. This, it turned out, was because - by pure coincidence - Hezb Allah had established a money laundering network that also used the sale of automobiles in Africa to 'wash' funds. CIA knew early on that Ahmed had nothing to do with this network, but decided to continue to apply pressure in the hope he might reveal something useful to them, even if only tangentially.
Lastly, Ahmed was indeed eventually freed and cleared of all the charges against him. What they couldn't make good was the months of worry, fear and aggravation, the stress on him and his family, the cost of lost business, and all the rest. Much of which came after his innocence had already been established.
What they could have made good was the $300,000 in lawyer's fees that Ahmed incurred to defend himself against bogus charges. They could have, but they didn't. It's fortunate that Ahmed is such a good businessman; a lesser one would have been bankrupted by the legal costs of his unnecessary defense.
And, of course, it's entirely plausible that, had things gone a bit differently, Ahmed's case would have continued all the way to court; where the evidence of his innocence would have been supressed and hidden, and in its place concocted evidence of guilt would have been offered by the prosecution. Ahmed could very easily have been convicted and would now be sitting in jail, while those who knew he was innocent had their Saturdays free to bring their kids to Little League and soccer.
Ahmed, back in Beirut, doesn't seem the least bitter as he tells me this unbelievable story of bureaucracy gone wild. Still, he's in Beirut, not Boston, after a lifetime of thinking Boston was his hometown, the place where his kids also played Little League and soccer. He's not bitter, but because I've known him since he was a kid himself I can't help myself. I feel a huge, black bitterness welling up, a shame that his persecutors and I could have anything in common. And, I'm afraid, we do. I voted for the people who gave them their jobs.