My friend Rico and I have been in conversation over the last few days about the situation in the region, and yesterday I made the following comment: 'the fact that the US has decided to attack Syria has just made a war with Israel measurably more likely.' He shot me back an email asking why Israel would enter into a conflict in Lebanon, and my answer went on for so long and in such excessive detail that I decided it deserved blog status. Here it is:
Interesting question. My answer might surprise you: Israel is looking for any excuse to attack Lebanon and if they get one it will be very, very bad for us because they will hit Lebanon very hard.
Hezbullah basically owns the south of Lebanon. They claim to have 50,000 rockets of various kinds aimed at Israel, and this is probably pretty accurate. They also claim not to want a fight with Israel at the moment (Why would they? They've got 10,000 men committed to Syria.), but Israel couldn't care less. They want to get rid of those missiles at almost any cost.
Israel traditionally has very good intelligence in all the surrounding countries. It's probably about right to estimate that they know where 2/3 of those rockets are located. Knowing where they're stored and being able to get at them are two different things, however. And then there are the other 15,000 or so they have no idea about. That's a lot of rockets, some of which are quite large and can certainly hit Haifa and Tel Aviv.
Iran is Hezbullah's supplier. That's why Hezbullah went to war in Syria and thus dragged us several steps closer to the edge of the cliff. They desperately need to keep open their supply pipeline to Iran. The moment Assad falls in Syria they are vulnerable. Hezbullah is a Shia' organization. The opposition in Syria - whether moderate or crazy jihadist - is overwhelmingly Sunni. Although everyone claims solidarity in the fight against Israel, this solidarity would probably not survive a change in regime in Syria. At least, for a while. This would be the moment for Israel to attack in order to try to wipe Hezbullah out at a minimum cost to themselves. Minimum doesn't mean small, they'd probably take very big hits, too. Just smaller than if they let Hezbullah determine the date and time of the battle.
The ONLY way to really hit Hezbullah in Lebanon is to hit it everywhere, including Beirut. Also, the Israelis have always - who knows this in the West? - hit everybody and everyplace whenever they feel threatened. Particularly in Lebanon.
To this day I remember an interview I had back in the 80s with US Marine officers out at the airport. This was the encampment ordered into Lebanon by Reagan, and this was the encampment about to be hit a few days later by a truck bomb that killed over 250 Marines. What nobody knew - and what nobody still knows - is that the Marines had been trading fire, NIGHTLY, with Israeli forces located less than a quarter mile away. I was dumbfounded - weren't we allies? The Marines explained: every nite the Israelis fired indiscriminately in the direction of the poor Shia' neighborhoods next to the airport. The Marines even had a term for this: they called it 'recon by fire'. In other words, fire at everything and see where the return fire comes from! In the course of this, they invariably came a little too close to the Marines, who were under orders to return fire when fired upon. Thus, every night US forces and the Israeli army were trading fire in the suburbs of Beirut! Boys from New York and LA were firing at each other on behalf of allied armies in a third country!
With regard to Lebanon, Israel has for decades had an explicitly ennunciated policy of holding all Lebanese responsible for any incidents that occur on its northern border. Since the 60s this has resulted in repeated destruction of entire villages, of infrastructure and uncounted killed and wounded.
If this happens in coming days the south of Lebanon will be devastated again, Beirut's southern suburbs will again be reduced to smoke and ruin, and even the north will likely get hit. During the 2006 war with Hezbullah, Israel also hit the electricity grid all over the country and lots of other infrastructure that had absolutely nothing to do with Hezbullah. If this happens we'll have no water and no electricity for a while, an unpleasant prospect.
But wait, there's more! The US has decided to hit Syria in the next few days. Many people who know a lot over here think when (not if, the decision has been made) this happens either Syria or Hezbullah may strike out against Israel in retaliation. Poof! Instant war!
What worries me in all this..well, all that is pretty worrisome by itself...but what worries me is that if there is open fighting in Lebanon with anyone, the jihadis, supported by our good friends Saudi Arabia and Qatar (there's another blog post!), will try to take over the battle as they have tried in Syria, Mali, Libya and so on. It will be a long time before Lebanon recovers from that, if it happens.
Postscript, Sept 1, 2013: It appears the decision to attack Syria may not be as firm as it appeared 2 days ago. As of today the UK has voted not to participate and Reuters reported a short while ago that President Obama has asked Congress to debate the action before a final decision is made. Whether he's trying to spread the blame or hoping for a way out of a very dicey situation is unclear - for the moment I'm betting on the latter. I also heard a report yesterday that the US and Iran may have reached some kind of understanding. Whether this includes agreement about an Iranian response to a US strike, or perhaps Iranian pressure on Assad on the use of chemical weapons, I don't know. But, clearly, it's a complicated board and the pieces are all in motion.